If you're looking for roofing materials, whether they're for a new building or an existing home, you need to decide what cladding to choose. One possibility is metal sheeting. To discover its benefit, read on.


Metal sheets form relatively lightweight roofing. Terracotta, concrete and slate tiles, by contrast, create heavy roofs. Metal sheets are easier to install, as they can be transported and lifted onto the roof more readily. Additionally, contractors can cover a roof with large metal sheets quicker than with numerous tiny tiles.

Lightweight roofing also helps to protect your home by not putting undue pressure on the supporting walls and other structural elements. If you have an old or a massive house with a vast roof, you might consider metal cladding to keep the roof as light as possible. Additionally, a quicker installation will help trim construction costs.

Design Alternatives

Another reason to consider metal roofing is the wide range of design alternatives. The sheets come in charcoal, green, red and beige to match different architectural styles. Some colours are designed to harmonise with specific heritage homes. Thus, you'll have no problems choosing a colour to enhance the external wall, window trim and overall aesthetic.

The metal sheets also offer various shapes and profiles that match modern, traditional and other home styles. The metal grooves and channels not only create attractive textures, but they make the metal stronger and allow rainwater to flow off the building and into the guttering.


You don't have to worry that a metal roof will get rusty, as they're covered in several protective layers to increase their resilience. For example, some use galvanised steel coated in a zinc layer. Others use an aluminium-zinc alloy, plus they feature a bonded hard polyester paint layer. Thus, metal roofs can withstand all weather conditions and climates. They even suit alpine regions because snow easily slides off the roof to the ground, whereas with a tiled roof, snow can settle between the tiles to cause moisture problems. Metal is resilient also to other issues such as fire and insects.

Thus, metal roofs are an excellent choice for homes. Metal is a lightweight material that makes installation easier and quicker. Plus, it won't put undue stress on the building — an attribute particularly helpful if your home is vast or old. You'll have plenty of design alternatives in profiles and colours. Plus, the roofing will handle all the elements.
