Even the tiniest roof leaks can cause significant structural problems that, if not repaired sooner, they'll cost you a lot on replacement costs.

Other dangers of a leaking roof are:

  • Mould growth (poses health risks)
  • Fire hazards
  • Roof inefficiency (causes high energy bills) 

These dangers are what make a roof leak a serious emergency. If you understand why leaks occur in the first place, you may be in a better position to prevent the problem and protect your home's integrity. Discover some common causes of roof leaks.

Damaged Flashing

Roof flashing is the metal structure that protects the areas between your roof, dormer walls, vent pipes, and other spots with intersections. And while the flashing is one of the most durable components of a roof, weather, climate, and other external components can compromise the integrity of the roof's flashing and eventually cause leaks.

Luckily, the damage is pretty easy to notice. Some signs to look out for include:

  • Missing flashing pieces
  • Rust around the metallic components
  • Bent or cracked flashing

Depending on the extent of damage, you may notice internal leaks or mould growth around the flashing. You have to act fast to prevent the leaks from causing serious structural hazards.

Most roofing experts recommended that you schedule regular flashing inspections to help you identify issues at an early stage. This allows the roofing specialist to repair the flashing before the problem escalates to a full-blown emergency.

An Aging Roof

Regardless of the quality of your roofing materials, there comes a time when your roof can no longer serve you efficiently. The shingles may begin to crack, curl and break. With time, they lose their water-resisting ability, which results in leaks.

Besides the visible signs of an aging roof, you may experience an unexplained spike in your monthly energy bills despite your heating and cooling systems being in top shape.

While you may not think of an old roof as an emergency, the downsides are quite risky to ignore. Contact a roofing expert for a comprehensive inspection if you feel that your roof has already served its purpose. They will evaluate the strength of the shingles to establish if they need repair or replacement to save your home structure from severe water damage.

Nail Pops

Poor installation and temperature changes are some possible causes of nail pops or backouts. Popped-out nails leave behind tiny holes that moisture can easily seep through, especially during the wet season. This is why nail pops are a serious emergency that you shouldn't take lightly.

Holes from nail pops are hard-to-notice to the inexperienced eye. As such, you should let an emergency roofer come in for an inspection as soon as you suspect that you have this problem. Identifying nail backouts early saves you from the expensive costs of premature roof replacement and the dangers related to excessive moisture buildup in your home.

For more information, contact a roof repair service in your area.
