A residential roof replacement project can cost anywhere from $6,000 to $20,000, depending on factors such as the square footage of your home, roofing materials and project scope. Therefore, most homeowners welcome the idea of saving money on this project. Lowering the cost of a roof replacement doesn't mean using poor-quality materials or engaging in DIY work. Below are some effective ways to save money while installing a quality roofing structure.

Inspect the old roof

Before planning a roof replacement, schedule an inspection for your old roof. This inspection will help you define the project scope and budget for the replacement. Check the condition of the shingles or tiles. Is the entire roof damaged, or can you carry out a partial replacement? What's the state of the underlay and insulation?

If some materials such as the underlay and insulation are in excellent condition, you don't have to replace them. Leaving them intact can save you several thousand dollars on the replacement. Similarly, if sections of your roof are still in excellent conditions, you can salvage the materials and use them for the new project.

Avoid costly design changes

A roof replacement project presents the perfect opportunity for executing design changes on the structure. However, altering your roofing design can significantly increase roofing costs. In most cases, most of these alterations don't improve the structure's performance or energy efficiency. They only add visual appeal but at a huge cost.

For example, switching from a pitched roof to a flat roof is costly. You need new roofing plans and planning permissions from your local authorities. A flat roof may even require you to redo the framing. Therefore, if you are trying to save money, avoid costly design changes. Instead, focus on quality materials that will extend the lifespan of the new structure.

Shop locally for materials

There are a few benefits of shopping locally for roofing materials. First, you pay less for shipping and handling, which translates into lower overall costs. Local roofing contractors have experience in working with locally available materials. Therefore, labour is readily available, which leads to lower installation costs and a quality roofing job. Finally, shopping locally allows you to compare prices from different suppliers and negotiate for lower prices.

Plan your project during the off-season

Roofing companies are swamped with roof installation and repair jobs during the peak season. Spring and early summer are peak roofing seasons due to the pleasant weather, comfortable temperatures and longer days. If you schedule your project for spring, you may end up paying more. To save money, plan your roof replacement project around late summer or autumn. Since roofers are less busy, they are more likely to offer discounts.

For professional roof replacement services, contact a roofing contractor.
